
Asus Ready to Rid World of Keyboards

Keyboards have apparently become such a hassle for people. How else do we explain the growing popularity of touchscreen devices, from smartphones to portable video players to even computers and Apple’s potential netbook sans keyboard. But Asus wants to take it one step farther. Forget typing, even on a virtual keyboard, Asus plans to have voice-controlled Eee PCs out by the end of 2009.

Along with their Fold/ Unfold concept laptops, Asus is working to implement new technology that will rid the world of keyboards. In fact, Jerry Shen, CEO of the Taiwan-based company, said Asus wants to see “the end of the keyboard.” Why the aversion to keyboards? We doubt it’s because of the noise. Switching to voice-controlled PCs wouldn’t solve that problem at all. In fact, if everyone here started dictating their blogs to their computers, I’m quite certain I would go mad. And how would the computer pick my voice out of hundreds of others or even over the noise or the train?

Despite the questions of how the technology will work in the real world, the concept may have some real meat behind it. We think the real reason Shen wants to get rid of the keyboard is because he is mostly likely suffering from carpal tunnel. Thinking of it that way, we’re more than happy to bid a non-tearful adieu to the pain inducing and hand crippling keyboards and start jabbering away. Forget the noise, we’ll dictate all the witty and newsy blogs without any fear of what it will do to our forearms.