
New iPhone to Be Released in Mid-June?

Some big-wigs over at AT&T have apparently confirmed some juicy (we’re not certain that’s the best word to describe it, but we’re going to use it) rumors about Apple’s plans for this summer. The word is that it’s going to be big and it’s going to revolve around a new iPhone coming out in mid-June. Yeah, it’s closer than we realized. Based on what we’ve heard, it looks there are some things you should take note of.

First, of course, is that AT&T has said that the new-iPhone-June-release is about to become an annual holiday just below Christmas in marketing and hype potential. The new iPhone will be faster and have a more “seamless experience” (probably because it will have the new 3.0 OS, but that doesn’t sound as good as “seamless” and “experience”). There will also be a UVerse iPhone application that will allow control of your home DVR. Kind of cool.

The supposed source from AT&T also said the $99 3G netbook will also hit stands this summer. They say it won’t have a Windows OS, so we’re thinking Linux. Kind of a given, but still something to speculate about. We’re certain there will be plenty more rumors before June comes so you can check back often to get the latest juicy details.

For more information, see the smartphone review site. For more Applicious news and rumors, check out these other blog posts:

Apple Rumor Follow-Up: Throwing LG & OLED in the Mix

iTunes to Offer Video and Movie Titles in HD

Apple Rumor: New iPhone, iPod, IFPGA, & iPr